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Another year is almost complete! This is the first full year for the new team at CLI, and it’s been a fantastic adventure. Thank you to all the people who have subscribed and helped us bring great content to you.  

With nearly 100+ pieces of content, we know it’s easy to miss out on some great stuff. In this time of reflection, we wanted to highlight some of our staff’s and community’s favorite content available to our premium members.  

If you’re not yet a premium member, and any of this seems interesting, it’s not too late to grab our special of $375 for three years (which is about 10$ a month). The offer ends December 24th – so act now by heading over here:  

Spring 2023  

This was the first event we put on this year. We had lots of excellent speakers join us, and it can be hard to choose your favorite children, but there were a couple of sessions that really stood out for our audience:  

  • Kyle Hagge from Morning Brew shared his talk, “Your Community is Not Your Platform.”   
  • Chris Catania from Esri shares “Three Keys to Stakeholder Buy-In and Executive Engagement.”  
  • Carolyn Zick of Bad Axe Enterprise on “Revenue-Driving Content Marketing”  
  • Nivi Achanta on “How to Create Inclusive Online Structures to Maximize Community Connection”  

There is content for everyone in there – go an explore! 

CLIX Webinars & On-Demand  

We were blessed to have excellent speakers join us for live webinars this year, facilitated by the ever-energetic Brad Weaber. If you missed any live webinars, do not fret; premium members can re-watch them anytime. Once again, so many great speakers graced our virtual stage, so it’s hard to pick only a couple, but these were in our minds (and based on audience re-watches). These are a few of the can’t miss sessions from 2023:  

  • Evan Hamilton from HubSpot spoke on “How to Approach Driving Bottom-Line Value From Your Community.”  
  • Jae Washington from HeadSpace on “The P.R.O.C.C.E.S.S: A Comprehensive Guide to B2B Community Pre-launch”  
  • Scott Wilder on “How-to Leverage Product Growth Strategies to Scale Your Community”  
  • Todd Nilson from ClockTower Advisors on “AI Tools for Online Community Building”  

And so many more…  

Content Library – Templates, Ebooks and more!  

This fall was our first-ever super drop with a massive 10+ pcs of content, but we also added some other unique pieces of content to our library over the year. Here is just a tiny taste of some of the offerings we added this year:  

  • Content Calendar Template  
  • An ebook on the Psychology of Member Pricing   
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Community Marketing Trends among CMOs  
  • The Ultimate Exhibitor Check List For Your Next Event  
  • Situational Playbook for an Online Community Manager  

Every week, we add more to our library and are open to content suggestions – so keep those coming! 

CLI Magazine  

Before the acquisition, there was a CLI Magazine, but under the new management, we’ve refreshed the focus. We were so proud and excited to have Rachel Happe as the face of our first relaunched edition which included a feature interview with her. The articles inside also had new frameworks and innovative concepts for people to consider.  No hot takes here! 

We have many more editions planned, and if you are so inclined to be included in a future edition, we welcome your contribution. You can learn more about submitting here.  

Fall Event 2023  

This event began a new style we will expand on in 2024 (more in a bit). We had three fantastic speakers bring unique perspectives to our audience. Our community told us these talks were “eye-opening” and “life-changing.” If you missed out, don’t worry; Premium membership gives you access to watch them again and again.   

The three speakers were:  

  • James Garrett on “Mini Habits: A Small Tool for Big Success”  
  • Pablo Gonzalez on “Category Design: The Context to Convey The Value of Community”  
  • Loren-Rosario Maldonado on “Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Diversity and Inclusion”  

We can’t wait to share what fantastic speakers we have in store next year.  

So, what’s in store for 2024?  

We are working furiously behind the scenes to ensure we exceed your expectations in 2024. We shared lots of our new directions in a post a couple of months ago. We have many more events, on-demand, networking and other experiences coming. What excited us most was being able to provide live content to our global audience by ensuring that we help people from all regions connect and build bridges.  

CLI is also a chance to help you grow your career and brand. We invite you to be on stage to share your knowledge, experience and learnings. Check out all the opportunities to submit a course or write for our magazine.   

Finally, we are most excited to have a refreshed community in the new year and many more big and small surprises.  

Thank you to everyone who joined and supported us this year, and we can’t wait to bring you even more quality content to help you achieve your personal and professional goals in 2024.  

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on our team’s latest, and secure your membership for three years at our super early bird price before December 24th, 2023.  

Cheers to your success in the year ahead!  

A New Chapter Begins -  From CLI to MatchPoint