The Future of Online Communities


Thur. Feb. 16

10 AM PT | 12 PM CT | 1 PM ET

This talk will focus on the future of online communities and explore some of the most exciting advancements in the space. We will explore Web3 social tokens, digital assets used to incentivize online communities and reward their members. We will discuss decentralized identity management, which allows users to store and manage their digital credentials and identity data securely. We will also explore decentralized autonomous organizations, which are digital organizations powered by blockchain technology and governed by smart contracts. Additionally, we will discuss the potential of artificial intelligence assistants for moderation and how AI can help detect and prevent online abuse. Finally, we will discuss how virtual worlds are becoming increasingly realistic and how they are used to create immersive online experiences. By the end of this talk, you should better understand the advancements happening in the space and how to utilize these tools to shape the future of your online community.

  • Understand the history of online communities
  • Learn about Web3 concepts
  • Learn about how online community technologies will evolve

Meet Todd

Todd Nilson is a digital strategist with over 25 years of consulting experience, specialized in community-building, digital workplace transformations, and marketing strategy. He has additional background in competitive intelligence research, game thinking, recruitment, employer branding, and virtual collaboration practices. Todd has led transformational technology workshops and projects for highly recognizable brands such as Activision, Facebook, SAP, The Truth Initiative, Steelcase, Schneider National, Sargento, Greenpeace, and Medtronic.

Less formal factoids: 💡 I help people build thriving online communities and digital workplaces. ✅ Digital strategy, online community management, remote work collaboration and marketing are my specialties. 🏭 I work with startups through Fortune 100 companies globally. ⚔️ Longtime tabletop gamer including RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons and more. You too? Let’s talk! 🎓 Penn State BA, Duquesne University MA, University of Kentucky