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Welcome back to another CLI weekly roundup! Here’s what we covered:

Another Month, Another Social Hour

You know how much we love our monthly social hour. This month’s was a blast with some old friends and new faces. It’s always a great way to connect with other members in the community!

Sign up to the next one here.

And if you think it’s time for you to share your expertise in the next magazine edition, we’re already collecting articles! You can learn more about the opportunity here.

New Discussion Roundtable Series

We’re introducing a new series of events where every month we’ll feature a piece of content in our library and host a roundtable discussion so you can bring your questions and thoughts and discuss them in a group setting.

Our first roundtable will take place on July 18th and focus on Barbara Lampl’s CLIX Feb session about Creating a Data-Driven Culture.

You can register and learn more about the event here.

CLI Summer Bash

Our Summer Bash is right around the corner and we are ecstatic! Join us for an afternoon of food, drinks, games and finally meeting your fellow community members face-to-face. We can’t wait to see you there!

Learn more and sign up here.

Get Involved with CLI

We want to see you on our stage and in our magazine! If you have a framework, research, or case study that is customer-centricity focused, it’s time for you to share your work in our community.

Learn more about how to participate in our events or get published in our magazine.

PS: Article submissions for our upcoming magazine are due August 30th.

That’s all for now folks! See you again next week 👋

Sign up to the MyCLI Community at

A New Chapter Begins -  From CLI to MatchPoint