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Welcome back to another CLI weekly roundup! Here’s what we covered:

We released the Q2 Magazine

Woohoo, it’s out! We’re so excited to share this amazing edition of the CLI Magazine with you. In it you’ll find contributions from six incredible authors sharing expertise from customer marketing, to customer advisory boards to self-improvement to much much more.

And we can’t forget to mention our featured interview and star on the cover, Kristi Faltorusso, the Chief Customer Officer at ClientSuccess, who dives deep into how to build a customer-centric culture from the ground up.

You can read and download the edition here.

And if you think it’s time for you to share your expertise in the next magazine edition, we’re already collecting articles! You can learn more about the opportunity here.

New Discussion Roundtable Series

We’re introducing a new series of events where every month we’ll feature a piece of content in our library and host a roundtable discussion so you can bring your questions and thoughts and discuss them in a group setting.

Our first roundtable will take place on July 18th and focus on Barbara Lampl’s CLIX Feb session about Creating a Data-Driven Culture.

You can register and learn more about the event here.

Other Upcoming Events

Don’t miss out on other events coming up in our jam-packed summer! View the CLI events page here.

That’s all for now folks! See you again next week 👋

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A New Chapter Begins -  From CLI to MatchPoint