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Have you ever gone to an event thinking you had the best swag? We’ve been there too, excited for the folks to see what we had done, only to be stressed on the last day of the event trying to force someone to take 13 notebooks in their carry-on. Or you’ve become a packing Tetris expert trying to squeeze three more metal drinking mugs into your knapsack before you board your flight home.

We had a thought as we were gearing up for the last quarter of events. What if there was a way to know what type of swag people wanted? Now, one could go to a swag or merch vendor and look at top sellers, but that might be flawed. What people buy and what people want may not correlate. Also, we could suggest you survey the audience you have access to, but what if you’re trying to attract people you can’t ask beforehand?

Well, here at the CLI, besides creating courses and exclusive training for our members, we also love to consider new research. We are proud to launch our first Swag/Merch Global Survey of 2023. The best part is that while we usually charge for the insights, we give them away for free to anyone who participates in the survey.

We have one straightforward question – tell us the swag you prefer and help us with a bit of demographic information, and then in a couple of weeks, we’ll send you a report for FREE.

Sound like a plan? All you need to do is proceed below and answer one question.

We also have one small ask. This survey is only valuable if we get many respondents worldwide, so please share this with your network on LinkedIn or any platform of choice. You can share the blog post or the link to the survey here:

The more data we have, the better it is for us all!

A New Chapter Begins -  From CLI to MatchPoint